For some CACE-members it was another race in a long-standing tradition, for some it was a first – but all equally enjoyed it: The Relais Givrés that took place on Saturday, 18 January, near the Hôpital Militaire de Neder-Over-Heembeek.
The name of the event speaks for itself: temperatures were very frosty. Yet, the snow that had covered Brussels a few days ago had melted and the track that partly leads through woodlands was in good condition.
CACE participated with five teams i.e. 25 runners. Team “CACE Claire” was particularly successful: It managed to finish the 44 kilometers in 2:56:40 and was ranked 19th out of 176 teams. However, the Relais Givrés is not (only) a competition; it is a team event and a “fun run”, as one CACE team reflected in its name. The motto is one for all, all for one: Five runners – including at least one female – run two laps of four kilometers each before doing one lap jointly and crossing the finishing line together. The concept of the Relais Givrés leaves ample time for socialising, i.e. catching up with CACE friends, discussing potential destinations for the next international CACE trip, enjoying carbohydrates in various forms, and exchanging best practice on how to keep oneself warm.

The Stadium Nelson Mandela and its cafeteria provided an ideal shelter. A special treatment usually awaits the overall slowest team of the Relais Givrés: It does not stop at the finishing line, but runs the last meters through the cafeteria while being enthusiastically cheered on by the crowd.

Speaking of special treatment: CACE continued its own special tradition of toasting our participation/survival with champagne. This year, we were also treated to some Austrian delicacies in the form of Mozartkugeln and chocolate-coated rum bombs (on which opinions were sharply divided).

At least at this point in time, the cold and any struggle were forgotten and a firm resolution was made: to participate in the Relais Givrés 2026.